Originally from Spain, Gádor put on a mask, fins, and snorkel for the first time in Mallorca Island when she was 3 years old. When she turned 16, she got her open water diver certification and that's when she knew that she would dedicate her life to the ocean. At 22 she achieved her PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor certification in order to be able to share with everybody what she loves the most: the feeling of diving.
In 2016 she moved to La Paz, Mexico to turn her passion into her work: the study and conservation of sharks. She did her undergraduate thesis studying sharks, as she had always dreamed, becoming a student of Pelagios Kakunjá Marine Conservation. Her research project focused on the movement patterns of the silvertip shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) in the Revillagigedo Archipelago.
Currently, she is pursuing her master's degree studying contamination in Great White sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) tissues in Isla Guadalupe, Mexico. This love for sharks has led Gádor to travel the world: Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Maldives, Azores Islands, Canary Islands, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, California, Mexico, Honduras, the Bahamas, Hawaii, Galápagos Islands ... are some of the places whose waters she has had the good fortune to know.

Career Highlights
- Member of Pelagios Kakunjá AC
- Bachelor in Marine Sciences
- Bachelor's thesis about "Movement patterns and habitat use of silvertip sharks in the Revillagigedo Archipelago", Mexico
- Current student of the Master in Management of Marine Resources specialized in white shark research in CICIMAR-La Paz, México
- Designed a shark research project involving the white shark tissue sampling for the study of contamination such as pesticides and PCBs
- Responsible for Conferences on shark biology and shark conservation, marine pollution and environmental education in schools, universities and cultural centers, as well as on the ecotourism boats of the Red Sea, Maldives, and Guadalupe Island & Revillagigedo Archipelago Biosphere Reserves.
- Aqua Lung Ambassador
- Invited scientist for the documentary series "Islas de México" by Canal Once in the Revillagigedo Archipelago
- Bachelor's thesis "Movement patterns and habitat use of silvertip sharks in the Revillagigedo Archipelago", Mexico.