
Show your support of Ocean Conservation




Encourage your student divers to make a donation to PADI AWARE Foundation whenever they take a PADI® diving course

2021 PADI Certification Cards 

Download large promotional cards to help highlight to your students which limited edition PADI Certification Cards contribute ocean conservation. 100% of the donation supports the Conservation Blueprint that’s dedicated the next decade to ridding the oceans of marine debris, recovering coral, protecting endangered marine life, expanding marine protected areas and addressing climate change.

Shark Certification Card

Manta Ray Certification Card

Eve Banner
2021 EVE Banner

This banner is sized with EVE Dive Store Management System in mind. Use this 1920 x 500 sized banner to encourage your student divers to make a donation to Project AWARE® whenever they take a PADI® diving course.



Already certified but want the special Project AWARE limited edition PADI card? You don't have to wait until your next certification to show your support. You can replace your PADI card anytime.