Discover Diving Dive Center is your only PADI 5-Star Dive Shop in Volusia county, located on 92 Dunlawton Avenue in Port Orange, at the foot of the Port Orange bridge on Seabird Island. Our PADI courses range from Open Water to Divemaster. We also offer a wide range of PADI specialty certifications. Discover Diving now offers an in-house repair facility. Some repairs can be done the same day. We provide equipment sales, repair and rentals. We carry a complete selection of scuba diving, snorkeling, and swimming equipment to meet any budget. Enjoy a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere in the classroom and on the sales floor, while providing the best certification training possible. Our goal is to provide the best service possible.
PADI Scuba Diving, PADI First Aid - EFR
Air Fills, Nitrox, Equipment Sales, Scuba equipment rental
Onsite classroom, Air Conditioning, Retail Shop, Parking
2 PADI Instructors
Mask & Snorkel, Open-heel fins, Full-foot fins, Regulator, Dive Computer, Gauges, Wetsuit – 5mm, Boots, BCD, Aluminum Cylinders, Small Cylinders (10L / 71.2 cu. ft.)
Wet / Dry Suits, Gauges, Cylinders, Regulators, BCDs, Dive Computers