推进 PADI 使命,造福人类和地球。
创造十亿个 PADI Torchbearers™,以探索和保护海洋。
我们履行企业社会责任的方式是继续长期,持久地保护我们所爱的海洋世界。作为全球潜水中心,潜水教练和潜水员的最大联络网,我们充分利用每一个机会动员数以百万计的 PADI Torchbearer™守护海洋。
PADI 变革支柱
珍惜我们现有的一切并回馈当代人和我们子孙后代的最重要的方法之一就是尽我们所能负责任地经营好 PADI® 组织,支持可持续发展的潜水行业,和保护所有生命赖以生存的海洋。
变革的支柱反映了 PADI 的核心品牌价值以及我们对改善人类和地球现状的承诺。积极采取行动方案,通过与当地社区合作,解决海洋所面临的挑战,对于实现人与自然之间的平衡至关重要。

Ocean Conservation
Empower our community to take local action for global impact.
PADI’s first Pillar of Change, Ocean Conservation, reflects both the organization’s long-standing ethos to protect the aquatic environment and the renewed commitment to take focused action that leads to lasting positive change for the ocean. By empowering millions of divers around the world with the ability to take focused conservation action, we believe that change is possible.
Ocean Conservation Highlights

Dive Industry Sustainability
Reduce the global environmental footprint of the dive industry.
PADI’s second Pillar of Change, Dive Industry Sustainability, was created to leverage PADI’s global influence as a means to encourage all key stakeholders across the dive industry to take actions that reduce environmental impact and increase the reputation of diving as a regenerative activity with positive benefits for people and planet.
Dive Industry Sustainability Highlights

People and Humanity
Foster diversity and inclusion and support local dive communities.
PADI’s third Pillar of Change, People and Humanity, is borne from PADI’s core belief that aquatic environments should be accessible to all. As a global organization, we continually strive to foster an environment of openness across the dive industry with a shared understanding that ‘underwater we all speak the same language.'
People and Humanity Highlights

Discover the Healing Power of Diving
A PADI Adaptive Service Facility is an operation that has invested in comprehensive operational services and infrastructure that meet the needs of divers with physical, psychological or mental challenges to promote inclusivity in its diver training programs and other dive activities.

United in a shared goal, our community is leading a powerful movement to restore ourselves, our relationships with each other and the blue planet we call home. By harnessing the power of the PADI brand as a force for good, we foster an engaged and informed global network of Ocean Torchbearers and empower them to create change.

今天就加入PADI Torchbearer™ 社区吧。