Meet the newest PADI AmbassaDivers™ for 2021
These new team members are sharing their love for diving, taking action to safeguard the health of the ocean, and inspiring others to follow their dreams to explore and protect the underwater world. All PADI AmbassaDivers are passionate divers and ocean champions.

我們正在尋覓對療癒地球充滿熱情的海洋大使。 人人都擁有捍衛海洋的力量,恢復人類與大自然的平衡,需要我們共同的努力。 成為 PADI 火炬手,加入這個化熱情為行動的社團,從「陸地」到「海洋」,用行動帶來有意義的改變和更永續的未來。