Independent Dive Center
Dive Friends is not directly connected to only one resort, people from all accommodation are welcome. For ideas of where to stay check out our accommodation partners.
Conveniently Located
With 8 full service locations on the island we’ll make your Bonaire diving as easy and convenient as possible. We offer the Bonaire Marine Park orientation at any time or dive location between 8 AM and 5 PM.
Enviromental Commitment
We work hard to keep Bonaire blue and beautiful. If you’re on-island for one of our famous quarterly Clean Up Dives, we would love to have your help to ensure healthy reefs for Bonaire divers to enjoy for generations.
Excellent Reviews
Dive Friends Bonaire is an award-winning, family-type dive school. A personal touch is very important; we prefer quality instead of quantity. All facilities are fully equipped with excellent rental gear, should you require it
PADI Scuba Diving, PADI Snorkelling, Conservation, PADI First Aid - EFR
Adopt the Blue
English, Spanish, Dutch, French, German
Air Fills, Nitrox, Equipment Sales, Scuba equipment rental, Conservation activities
Onsite classroom, Air Conditioning, Wi-Fi (FREE), Retail Shop, Waterfront location, House reef, Food & Drinks, Parking
40 PADI-instructeurs
Compass, Wetsuit – shorty, Mask & Snorkel, Open-heel fins, Flashlight, Regulator, Dive Computer, Gauges, Boots, BCD, Aluminum Cylinders, Small Cylinders (10L / 71.2 cu. ft.)
Bank / Debit Card, VISA, Mastercard, Cash (local currency)