Green Fins 는 무엇인가요?
Green Fins 은 지속 가능한 다이빙 및 스노클링 산업을 장려하는 환경 가이드 라인을 통해 코럴 리프를 보호하고 보존하는 Reef-World Foundation 이니셔티브입니다.
UN 환경 프로그램과 협력하여, Reef-World 는 해양 관광과 관련된 지역 및 다이빙 산업 전반의 환경 문제에 대해 저렴하고 실용적인 솔루션을 제공함으로써 환경 보호를 위한 지속 가능한 행동을 추진합니다. 환경 챔피언이 입증된 해안 자원 관리 접근 방식을 구현할 수 있도록 교육 및 역량 구축 지원을 제공합니다.
2018 년부터 PADI® 는 The Reef World Foundation 과 협력하여 글로벌 다이빙 산업이 사람, 지구 및 이익을 성공적으로 지원할 수있는 방법의 예로 우리 커뮤니티의 잠재력을 실현해 왔습니다.
우리의 공동 비전은 지속 가능한 다이빙과 스노클링을 사회적 규범으로 만들어, 전 세계 해양 코럴 리프의 건강을 개선하는 것입니다.
16 Years of Protection
600+ Dive Centers
20% Average Sustainability Improvement
With PADI's support, Reef-World recently conducted a survey about sustainability in a recovering travel world.
Over 2,400 responses were received from divers, freedivers and snorkelers in over 115 countries. Survey participants offered a broad range of perspectives spanning freedivers and one-time DSD divers through to dive professionals and business owners with over 10 years experience in our industry. Here's what we learnt:
우리의 전략
다이빙 산업의 글로벌 환경 발자국을 줄여 다이빙 산업의 지속 가능성을 보장합니다.
주요 액션 (1) PADI 오퍼레이터들이 Green Fins 실행 규약을 채택하도록 장려하기 (2) 환경 기준이 안전 기준 만큼 중요하고 또 존중되도록 산업-전반의 행동 규범을 높이기

Green Fins Standards
PADI’s dive centers, resorts and professionals adopting and educating divers on Green Fins standards. Recreational divers seeking out Green Fins Members to dive with, supporting sustainable change our ocean needs.

Sustainable Marine Tourism
A global dive industry that takes environmental standards as seriously as safety standards. A global dive community that is engaged with sustainability and knows exactly how to protect marine life when diving.
여러분의 기준을 높이기
여러분의 모범은 주변 사람들에게 영향을 미치며, 인류가 바다와 균형을 이루는 미래를 위한 길을 닦을 것입니다.
Are you a PADI Dive Center, Resort or Liveaboard? Become a Green Fins Member today.
Green Fins members are dive or snorkel operators who agree to follow the Green Fins Code of Conduct, are based in an active Green Fins location and have signed the membership form. Members receive annual assessments, training and feedback to help them improve their environmental sustainability.
An active Green Fins country is a destination whose Government has adopted the programme, and has trained Green Fins assessors who are qualified to recruit, train and conduct assessments of dive and snorkel operators in that country. These are:
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Dominican Republic
- Egypt
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Liveaboards
- Malaysia
- Palau
- Singapore
- Thailand
- The Maldives
- The Philippines
- Timor-Leste
- Vietnam
Dive and snorkel centers operating in active Certified Green Fins locations can become members by signing (and sending in) the membership form and pledging to follow the Green Fins Code of Conduct. One of the Green Fins team will then be in touch to organize your first assessment.
활동적인 Green Fins 위치에 있지 않은 다이빙 및 스노클링 센터도 여전히 참여할 수 있습니다:
- 모든 자료를 완전히 무료로 다운로드하고 사용할 수있는 Green Fins 웹 사이트의 다운로드 섹션을 방문하여 환경에 미치는 영향을 줄이기 시작합니다. 인쇄하여 다이빙 매니저, 가이드 및 고객들에게 홍보하기 시작하면 됩니다.
- 멤버십 양식에 서명하고 멤버 가입에 대한 관심을 등록하기 위해 [email protected] 으로 보냅니다. 그러면 여러분의 목적지에서 Green Fins 가 활성화되면 연락을 받게될 것입니다.
- 지속 가능한 다이빙에 대한 최신 업데이트 및 뉴스를 소셜 미디어 (페이스북, 트위터, 인스타그램)에서 Green Fins 를 팔로우하기.
Visit the Downloads section of the Green Fins website where all materials are completely free to download and use. Just print them out and start promoting them to dive managers, guides and customers.
Yes! Green Fins materials are available in a variety of languages, and we are working together to continually increase the languages and materials available. If you can't find a material you would like in your languages, please get in touch on [email protected] and we will do our best to help you.
The Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course is the only course which teaches dive professionals how to prevent diving-related damage to coral reefs by following the highest environmental standards, as set out by the Green Fins initiative. Learn more here:
A new global platform for Green Fins Certified Members and Green Fins Digital Members to manage their sustainability journey. Learn more at
PADI Eco Centers are the premier choice for all divers, adventurers and travel experts seeking ocean-first, marine conscious operators that place sustainability at the top of their agenda.
Green Fins Membership is one of three criteria that a PADI Operators must meet to qualify as a PADI Eco Center:
1. participation in the PADI AWARE Adopt the Blue™ program
2. be an active Green Fins Member
3. demonstrate an exemplary level of environmental best practice, through the above programs
These requirements were selected to advance the PADI Blueprint for Ocean Action and support the PADI Pillars of Change, designed to integrate the core values of conservation and dive industry sustainability across the entire PADI network. We recommend operators give themselves at least 12 months to meet the minimum standards required for this designation.
To learn more, please visit PADI Eco Center | PADI
To learn more, please visit PADI Eco Center | PADI